About Your Visit:
We look forward to meeting you on your initial visit to our office. At this time, we'll help you get acquainted with our services and learn about your particular diagnostic and treatment needs. Our electronic medical record allows us to provide you with the highest quality care and allows for optimal communication with your other health care providers. In addition, we know that every patient is different and has specific needs, and we will strive to provide you with personal, individualized attention.
You can make a difference in the quality of care that you or your child receive. Remember to ask questions, keep an accurate medical history, understand how to administer all medications, understand what you or your child's test results mean, and what to expect if the physician recommends surgical treatment for your or your child
Prepare for your visit:
• Bring your Medical Aid Card or Information
• Bring your ID card or drivers license
• Bring a list of all medications you are taking
• Bring a copy of any sleep, studies, X-RAYS or CT scans taken in the last year specific to the condition we are seeing you for (not just the reports - get the actual films on disk if possible)
• Bring a copy of any medical record or test result specific to the condition we are seeing you for
• Bring written parental authorization if someone other than parent/legal guardian accompanies a child 0-18 years of age (see consent form below)
Medical aid patients only:
• Dr A Khan is not in contract with Medical Aids for out of hospital consultations.
• Please bring R1200 for first time consultation, and R600 for a follow up consultation.
• All Surgical and in hospital consultations are covered at Medical Aid rates.
• Private patient first visit: R2000
Suggestions for a successful visit:
• Take down some quick notes on answers to questions, or other comments made by the doctor.
• Don't be afraid to ask questions: Ask for the spelling of tests, medication, or other unfamiliar words. What is the name of my (child's) condition (also called a diagnosis)? What treatments are you recommending, and why? What are my (child's) treatment options?If this is a long-term problem, what can I expect in the future (the prognosis) for my (child's) health?
• Ask the doctor if there is any reading material (books, pamphlets, etc.) available that may help answer any questions you might have. Some questions about tests, procedures, and medications may be thoroughly answered through pamphlets, and the doctor can offer some highlights during your appointment.
• Repeat treatment directions back to the doctor or his clinical team to make sure you understood them.